MeridianLink's headquarters are located in Costa Mesa, California. The corporate mailing address and phone number is:
MeridianLink3560 Hyland Ave, Suite 200Costa Mesa, California 92626(855) 997-0343
BDOCosta Mesa, CA
MeridianLink went public in July 2021.
MeridianLink's fiscal year end is December 31st.
MeridianLink company shares are traded on the NYSE.
At this time, MeridianLink does not pay a dividend.
ComputershareCanton, MA
At this time, MeridianLink does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
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To access MeridianLink's SEC documents, quarterly and annual reports, simply go to the Financials & Filings section and click on the SEC Filings, Quarterly, or Annual Reports links.
MeridianLink's Committee on Uniform Securities Identifications Procedures (CUSIP) is 58985J105.
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To access MeridianLink's annual reports, simply go to the Financials section and click on the Annual Reports link.